But, I'm better now, and ready to get back to it. I've been wanting to try new recipes lately, and in the spirit of Lent and Every Monday Matters, I'm going to try something new each week.
I found a wonderful recipe in my Moosewood cookbook for Southwester Corn and Potato Soup. This is a sweet potato soup. Now, my daughter and I love sweet potatoes, but The Boys are not big fans. However, I think this recipe has enough other flavors that everyone will love it. I'm going to bake a loaf of fresh bread to accompany it.
If you are experiencing the first signs of Spring, this soup may not appeal to you. But here is Northern Illinois where the crocus are still safely below the surface, and the daffodils are nowhere to be seen, this soup will be a perfect cold weather meal.
Update: This was a winner. The colors were beautiful, and after tossing about half of it in the blender, it turned into a wonderful creamy soup. It was just a bit sweet, but also spicy...a wonderful combination on a cold, damp evening.